War of 1812 Education Day
Grades 7, 8
Spring: Friday, May 9, 2025
Registration Opens January 8
Presented in partnership with The Royal Scots (Upper Canada Military Reenactment Society)
This full-day, multi-school event brings the War of 1812 to life. Join a militia muster, watch a 19th century cannon crew fire the gun, and discuss the role of British soldiers and their allies. Through active participation in various stations, students will leave with an understanding of how the War of 1812 affected local inhabitants’ daily lives and shaped Canadian History.
Full Day Event- $15.00 per student
Program Schedule: 9:45 am Arrival & 1:30 pm Departure
Includes a series of stations delivered by The Royal Scots over the course of the day.
There is a short lunch in the middle of the day. Please ensure students bring a lunch with them.
Pre-registration is required. Limited Spaces available (all bookings on a first come basis.)
Chaperones and Teachers are free.
Education Coordinator education@fanshawepioneervillage.ca
519-457-1296 x 817