Our Story
The London & Middlesex Heritage Museum is a non-for-profit (registered charity) that owns and operates the open air museum known as “Fanshawe Pioneer Village”. Fanshawe Pioneer Village’s Heritage Village is a collection of over 30 heritage buildings and structures that help tell the stories of rural communities in the former townships of Westminster, London, North Dorchester, Delaware, West Nissouri and Lobo in Middlesex County from 1820-1920, and their relationship with London during this time. The museum was first opened in 1959, and has grown significantly since its initial four buildings.
In addition to the Heritage Village, the museum’s Spriet Family Visitor Centre holds our offices, collection space, resource library and the Trillium Community Gallery, where seasonal exhibits and events are held each year.
Take a look at Our Mission, Vision, and Values to learn more
Learn more about the Village and its heritage buildings by exploring our Virtual Village page.
““It is my desire to place on display in their natural environment a life time of collecting, saving [artifacts] from destruction [… with] a home for all to see.””