Holiday Market Vendor Application Form. Booth / Company Name * Contact Name * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Website / Socials Describe Your Products / Services to be exhibited / sold * Have you taken part in the Fanshawe Pioneer Village Holiday Market previously: Yes No Preferred Booth Choice #1: * Under Cover with Hydro Wooden “Chalet” with Hydro Uncovered/Outdoor Space with Hydro Uncovered/Outdoor Space without Hydro Preferred Booth Choice #2: * Under Cover with Hydro Wooden “Chalet” with Hydro Uncovered/Outdoor Space with Hydro Uncovered/Outdoor Space without Hydro Preferred Booth Choice #3: * Under Cover with Hydro Wooden “Chalet” with Hydro Uncovered/Outdoor Space with Hydro Uncovered/Outdoor Space without Hydro I authorize Fanshawe Pioneer Village to contact me in relation to this Holiday Market Application * I acknowledge that by submitting this application I am not obligated to accept involvement in the Holiday market, if offered to me. Similarly, I understand that Fanshawe Pioneer Village is not obligated to accept this application. Personal Information collected on this form is done in compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Yes No Thank you for applying to be a vendor at the Holiday Market at Fanshawe Pioneer Village!Applications will be notified on October 8th if their application is successful.