Exploring a Century

Grade 6, 7, 8

In the 1800s, large waves of new people arrived in this region, forever changing both the lives of the people who called this place home and the environment. As we explore the 100 years of history Fanshawe Pioneer Village presents, students will begin to understand how new communities developed and how people’s experiences varied in the 1800s. During this program students will join our educators for a mini tour of the Heritage Village in the morning, visiting select buildings that highlight life in this region between 1820 and 1920. Then in the afternoon they will participate in a series of stations that examine how life and work changed over the century.

FULL DAY Program - $14.00 per student

  • Program Schedule: 9:45 am Arrival & 1:30 pm Departure

    • Program includes a mini tour of select heritage buildings, plus 3 learning stations delivered by our Museum Educators. 

    • Includes a short lunch break in middle of day.

  • Program Capacity: Up to 2 classes (Approximately 50-60 participants)

  • Chaperones and teachers are free.